Substrates suitable for terrarium animals To give the terrarium animals a home modelled on nature the terrarium needs to be modelled closely on the animals’ biotope. It is crucial that the size of the terrarium suits the animals’ requirements, amongst other factors. During the set up it is important to have the right substrate, plants, air circulation, lighting and the temperature in the terrarium.
Terrabasis – suitable for: Indian python/royal python, corn snake and western rat snake, king snake, water agama, mountain horned dragon, anolis, green iguana, garter snake, tortoise, tree frog, toad, dart frog, fire-bellied toad, hairy mygalomorph, emperor scorpion, day gecko, chameleon, small tortoises
Easy to use As required, cover the terrarium bottom with an adequate layer of JBL Terra Basis. Live plants need to be inserted with pots to supply them with commercially available fertilisers.